Postoperative recovery and care after cataract surgery.

Postoperative recovery and care after cataract surgery.

What to expect after cataract surgery normal phenomenon. 

  • Dull Pain in the operated eye. 
  • Occasional floaters and distorted lights. Reflections and bright starburst are common. 
  • Difficulty near vision. In case of Mono focal lenses. 
  • Light becomes too bright to tolerate in the initial few days and you might even see distortion of colours.
  • Spectacle number changes over 2 to 3 weeks. We try to reduce the number to almost zero. But sometimes some glass power will remain especially for visually intensive tasks. 
  • Irritation and  gritty  sensation especially during first 1 to 2 weeks. You can use ample amount of lubricant eyedrops to relieve the same
  • Recovery of vision can vary between two patients and even between two eyes of same patient. There may be slight variations of vision between two eyes when you compare. This is normal. 
  • You may notice a ring like structure / bubble inside the eye while putting drops. This is normal as sometimes we use sterile air to pressurize your eyes. This bubble vanishes within 2-3 days. 

You may notice a bright red localised spot on white part of eye. This is normal in patients who are given local anesthesia. This spot vanishes within 10 days. 

  • Occasionally we put a contact lens over your eye for reducing irritation. It is removed on next day. 

how to use eye drops ?

  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Tilt your head back.
  3. Look up at the ceiling.
  4. Gently pull down the lower eyelid.
  5. Squeeze the bottle until a drop goes into your eye.
  6. Close your eye and wipe away any excess liquid.
  7. Press against the inner aspect of eye / nose bone to prevent eye drop flowing to throat, which causes bitter taste. 
  8. Do not let the bottle touch the eye.
  9. Safely dispose of the drops once you have finished your course of treatment. 


  1. All medications given to you are only for the operated eye. 
  2. You are using any medicine in the other eye then keep it separate. 
  3. There should be a gap of 2 minutes between any two drops. 
  4. Shake the drops properly before use. 
  5. Wipe off excess eye drops with tissue paper. 
  6. Once opened – an eye drops should be used within 1 month. 
  7. Eye drops should be stored in a cool dry place / refrigerator. Do not freeze eye drops. 
  8. Is you are travelling out of station then make sure you purchase an extra set of medicines. 
  9. If you cannot find the drops of same brand then you can substitute with good quality generic medicines. 

How to clean your eye

  • Wash your hands with soap and water. Or use hand sanitizer. 
  • Only use sterile eye wipes to clean the eyes. 
  • While your eyes are closed. Gently wipe from the inside (near your nose) to the outside corner of your eye.
  • Do not wipe  the black or white region of your eye. 
  • Do not wash your eye with water.
  • Do not press on your eye.

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