Silk laser procedure versus Contoura vision? Which is better?

Silk laser procedure versus Contoura vision? Which is better?

Silk  laser procedure is a lenticule extraction refractive surgery technique from the corneal surface to improve vision by changing the refractive power of Cornea. It uses a bi convex profile of lenticule extraction. It also gives customisation to the surgeon performing extraction. It allows for centration and axial rotation of the lenticule. This technique is CE mark certified but still not US FDA approved. technique is relatively new and with very few Patient track records and long-term stability needs to be evaluated further. on the other hand, Contoura vision Surgery has been successfully producing excellent results of vision more than 6/6 consistently over the years. It is a US FDA technique which is based on an excimer laser platform. It uses 22,000 corneal elevation points, which makes a 3-D model of THE EYE and customises the treatment to treat patients requirements. SILK procedure is a relatively newer paradigm in refractive Surgery But contour vision Laser surgery is still considered one of the best and safest procedures for laser vision correction and is the treatment of choice for almost all patients of refractive Surgery as it is available easily across the country. contoura vision Surgery is a very versatile excimer laser platform which can correct myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism at the same time which on the other hand SILK laser procedure can only correct myopia and astigmatism. 

Other limitations of silk laser procedure include inability to do Prk procedure which is widely accepted and is the treatment of choice for government jobs as it is an undetectable technique. So the actual number of patients who become a good candidate for silk becomes lower. 

The cost of silk laser procedure varies very ₹1LAC to 1.5LAC  which makes it a very expensive treatment and in accessible to a large variety of patients seeking vision correction surgery.

Higher cost for achieving the same result may not be prudent for most patients. 

We wait for  US FDA approval and long-term results of this expensive piece of equipment. And then decide if it is really worth shelling out that much money. 

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