What are flashes / floaters in the eye?

What are flashes / floaters in the eye?

Flashes and floaters are two common symptoms that can occur in the eyes. Here’s a brief explanation of each:

1. Flashes: Flashes of light are described as brief, sudden bursts of light or lightning-like streaks that appear in the visual field. These flashes can be seen even when your eyes are closed. They often occur due to the stimulation of the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye) and are more noticeable in dark environments.

Usually flashes can happen in a perfectly normal eye after a strenuous activity, coughing or sneezing. It has no medical significance. But in case you are a high myopic (person with a high – minus power) and are having frequent episodes of flashes then you should consult a retina surgeon. Flashes may result in retinal detachment, which is a vision threatening condition. 

 In such cases, treatment typically involves procedures to repair the retina and prevent further complications.

2. Floaters: Floaters are tiny specks, spots, or cobweb-like shapes that appear to float in your field of vision. They may seem to drift or move when you try to look at them directly. Floaters are actually small bits of debris or clumps of cells that float in the vitreous humor, a gel-like substance that fills the inside of the eye. While they can be bothersome, most floaters are harmless and tend to become less noticeable over time. However, if you suddenly experience a large number of floaters, see flashes of light, or have a curtain-like shadow or loss of vision, it could be a sign of a retinal tear or detachment, and immediate medical attention is crucial.

What is the treatment of eye flashes?

1. Laser photocoagulation: This procedure uses a focused laser to create small burns around the retinal tear or detachment. The burns help seal the tear or reattach the retina.

2. Vitrectomy: In this surgical procedure, the vitreous gel is removed from the eye, and any retinal tear or hole sealed off. The vitreous gel is usually replaced with a saline solution or gas bubble.

What is the treatment for floaters? 

Usually floaters don’t require any treatment as they are a natural process of ageing. Occasionally is the floaters at disturbing the visual axis then then may warrant treatment. 

1. Enzymatic vitreolysis. 

Salts containing argininE, lysine, glutathione may cause gradual reduction in floaters. But this treatment is subjective and many  patients may not see any benefit. 

2. YAG a laser hyaloidotomy

yag laser can liquify the clumps of such vitreous floaters. Patient having significant floaters in the anterior vitreous cavity may see drastic improvement. 

3. The only sure shot way to remove the floaters is vitrectomy. Which removes the gel harbouring the floaters. Although not recommended in all cases. It will clear the floaters. 

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